
Treatments are the main element of the language, they can take parameters. Unlike functions, which list instructions to execute and apply changes on variables, treatments describes flows of operations that applies on data. It can be seen as a map, on which paths connects from sources to destinations, browsing through different locations with different purposes. Order of declaration has no importance, treatments will run when there are data ready to be processed, and all treatments can be considered as running simultaneously.

Within treatments are other treatments, that also take parameters, inputs, and provide outputs to the hosting treatment. Treatments are declared once, and then can be connected as many times as needed.

treatment myTreatment(var foo: u64, var bar: f64)
    treatmentB(beta=bar, gamma=0.01)

    treatmentA.output --> treatmentB.input

myTreatment graph


Connections are basically paths data will follow. Connection can connect treatments outputs to inputs, but also refers to the inputs and outputs of the hosting treatment itself. A connection always links an output and an input of the same type.

use fs/util::write
use std/text/convert/string::toUtf8

treatment writeText(filename: string)
  input text: Stream<string>
  output written_bytes: Stream<u128>

    Self.text -> toUtf8.text,encoded ->,amount -> Self.written_bytes

Reference for write, toUtf8

writeText graph

Multiple connections from the same element are totally legal, however overloading a treatment input or a host treatment output (Self) is forbidden. Also, while omitting usage of a treatment output is legal, every input must be satisfied. Finally, all host treatment outputs must be satisfied.

Inputs and outputs (and so connections) are either streaming or blocking. A streaming connection Stream<…> is expected to send continuously values from the specified type. A blocking connection Block<…> is expected to send all-at-once. This distinction mainly rely on the core treatments that are used and the intrinsic logic applied on data. What developer should keep in mind is that streaming is the default unless blocking is required.

A specific kind of connection using the data type void exists. It is useful for transmitting information that something happens or should be triggered, schedule events, Block<void>; or to indicate continuation of something that doesn't convey data by itself, Stream<void>.